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Golang vs Java – What Programming Language Should You Pick?

by Rajni
Golang vs Java
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In this blog, we’ll compare two back-end programming languages – Golang vs. Java. Java is a dominant force in software development. Golang is a newer language that offers modern features. It may address challenges faced by developers using older programming languages. If you’re wondering which language to choose for your next project, read on to learn more about Golang and Java.

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What is Java?

Java is a popular object-oriented programming language that has been in existence for more than two decades. Developed by James Gosling and his team at Sun-Microsystems, Java was released in 1995. It is known for its simplicity, security, and portability. Java code is compiled into bytecode, which can be executed on any platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed.

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Top features of Java

Golang vs Java : Top features of Java
  • Platform Independence: One of the most significant advantages of Java is its platform independence. Java code can run on any platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed, which means that Java developers can develop web applications that can run on any operating system without making changes to the code.
  • Robustness: Java is known for its robustness, which means that it can handle errors and exceptions effectively. Java has built-in features that can detect and handle errors, which makes it a reliable choice for building web applications.
  • Security: Security is a top concern for businesses, and Java is designed with security in mind. Java has built-in security features such as a Security Manager that can restrict access to resources and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  • Scalability: Java is a scalable language, which means that businesses can easily scale up their web applications as their user base grows. Java’s ability to handle large-scale applications makes it a popular choice for businesses that are looking to grow and expand their online presence.
  • Large Community: Java has a large and active community of developers, which means that businesses can find resources, tools, and support easily. The Java community is also known for its commitment to innovation and development, which means that businesses can stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Support: Java supports OOP, which makes it easier for Java developers to write modular and reusable code. OOP is a programming paradigm that allows developers to create objects that can interact with each other, making it easier to write complex applications.
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What is Golang?

Golang, also known as Go, is a relatively new programming language that was developed by Google in 2007. It is an open-source language that is known for its simplicity, concurrency, and efficiency. Golang was designed to address the limitations of existing programming languages and to make it easier to write high-performance, scalable applications.

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Top features of Golang

  • Efficiency and Performance: Go is known for its efficient memory management and fast compilation times, making it a popular choice for building high-performance web applications. Go also has built-in concurrency support, allowing developers to write efficient and scalable code that can handle multiple requests at once.
  • Simple and Concise Syntax: Go has a simple and concise syntax that makes it easy to read and write code. This makes it easier for Golang developers to write clean and maintainable code, reducing the likelihood of errors and making it easier to debug.
  • Strong Typing and Error Handling: Go has strong typing and error handling features, which means that businesses can develop web applications with fewer bugs and less downtime. Go’s error-handling features make it easier for developers to identify and fix errors quickly, reducing the impact on users.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Go is a cross-platform language, which means that businesses can develop web applications that can run on multiple operating systems without requiring any modifications to the code.
  • Large Community and Support: Go has a large and active community of developers, which means that businesses can easily find resources, tools, and support. The Go community is also committed to innovation and development, ensuring that Golang developers can help businesses can stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies
  • Open-Source: Go is an open-source language, which means that businesses can use it without any licensing fees or restrictions. This makes it an attractive choice for businesses of all sizes, including startups and small businesses.
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Golang vs Java: What should you pick?

Comparison between Golang vs Java

PerformanceFast, efficient, excels in high-concurrency applications and web serversHighly performant, optimized at runtime by JVM
Ease of UseSimple and easy to use, concise syntax and small standard librarySteep learning curve, complex syntax and large standard library
Community and EcosystemGrowing rapidly, relatively small community and ecosystem with limited number of libraries and toolsMassive community and ecosystem with plenty of libraries, frameworks, and tools
Garbage CollectionAutomatic garbage collection, frees up memory that is no longer in useAutomatic memory management, making it easier to write and maintain code
SecurityStrong focus on security, safe language with built-in support for concurrent programmingStrong focus on security, platform-independent and widely used in enterprise-level applications
Platform SupportRuns on multiple platforms, including Linux, macOS, and WindowsRuns on multiple platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows
ConcurrencyLightweight threads (goroutines) allow for easy concurrency without creating a lot of overheadUses threads to implement concurrency, which can lead to performance issues with too many threads
Libraries and ToolsLimited number of libraries and tools compared to JavaVast ecosystem of libraries and tools available
CostOpen-source and free to useOpen-source and free to use
Use CasesIdeal for developing scalable systems, microservices, and web serversIdeal for developing enterprise-level applications, mobile applications, and desktop applications
InterfacesInterfaces in Golang use dynamic method lookup at runtime to determine the method to call.Java uses static method tables (vtables) for method dispatch.
FrameworkGolang frameworks are lightweight, minimalistic, and suitable for microservicesJava frameworks are comprehensive, feature-rich, and widely adopted.

Choosing between Golang and Java depends on your specific use case and project requirements. Here are some factors to consider:

1. Golang vs Java: Application

Java is a general-purpose programming language that has been around for several decades. It has a mature ecosystem with a variety of tools, libraries, and frameworks that make it suitable for a wide range of applications. Developers commonly use Java to build large-scale enterprise applications, such as web, mobile, and desktop applications. The Finance industry also frequently uses Java for developing high-performance, low-latency trading systems.

Go, on the other hand, is a relatively new language that was specifically designed for building highly concurrent, networked systems. It has a simpler syntax than Java and a smaller standard library, but it also has a built-in concurrency model and garbage collector that make it ideal for building distributed systems. Go is commonly used for building network services, microservices, and serverless applications, as well as for building command-line tools and utilities.

In summary, developers can use Java as a general-purpose language for various applications. On the other hand, Go is a language specifically designed for developing distributed systems and networked services.

2. Golang vs Java: Performance

Java is a compiled language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which provides automatic memory management and bytecode optimization. Java’s performance can be excellent, especially for long-running server applications that benefit from the JVM’s advanced optimization features. However, Java applications can also suffer from longer startup times and higher memory usage compared to other languages.

Go, on the other hand, is a compiled language that is designed to be fast and efficient, with a focus on low latency and high-throughput performance. Go’s built-in concurrency model and garbage collector make it well-suited for building highly concurrent, networked systems. Go also has a fast startup time and low memory usage, making it a good choice for short-lived, serverless applications.

In general, Go tends to be faster than Java for short-lived, networked applications that require fast startup times and low memory usage. However, Java can perform better than Golang for long-running server applications that benefit from the JVM’s advanced optimization features. It’s worth noting that performance can also depend heavily on implementation details, and careful tuning and optimization can have a significant impact on the performance of both languages.

In summary, both Golang and Java are high-performance languages, but their performance characteristics depend on the specific use case and implementation details.

3. Golang vs Java: Ease of Development

Java is a mature programming language with a large ecosystem of tools, libraries, and frameworks that make it easy to get started and build complex applications. It has a rich set of features and a strong focus on object-oriented programming principles, making it easy to write maintainable, modular code. Java also has a strong emphasis on compatibility, which means that code written for one version of Java is likely to work on future versions without any major changes.

Golang, on the other hand, is a relatively new language that was designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind. It has simpler syntax than Java and a smaller standard library, which makes it easier to learn and understand. Go also has built-in support for concurrency and network programming, which can simplify the development of distributed systems. However, the simplicity of Go can also make it more challenging to write large, complex applications that require advanced language features.

In summary, Java has a larger and more mature ecosystem of tools, libraries, and frameworks, which can make it easier to develop large, complex applications. Go, on the other hand, has a simpler syntax and built-in support for concurrency and network programming, which can make it easier to develop distributed systems and smaller applications. The choice between the two ultimately depends on the specific use case and the experience and preferences of the development team.

4. Golang vs Java: Ecosystem

Java has a mature and extensive ecosystem of tools, libraries, and frameworks. It includes popular enterprise platforms such as Spring and Jakarta EE. Its stability, backward compatibility, and enterprise-grade features make it a popular choice for developing large and complex applications. Java’s ecosystem is known for its stability, backward compatibility, and enterprise-grade features. These features make it a popular choice for building large, complex applications. Golang, on the other hand, is a newer language with a smaller ecosystem of tools, libraries, and frameworks. However, Go’s ecosystem is growing rapidly. It has many high-quality libraries and frameworks for building distributed systems, such as the popular Gin web framework and the Kubernetes container orchestration system. Go’s ecosystem is known for its simplicity, performance, and concurrency features. These features, thus, make it a popular choice for building scalable, networked systems. In summary, Java has a larger and more mature ecosystem of tools, libraries, and frameworks. These can provide a wealth of options and support for enterprise applications. Go, on the other hand, has a smaller but rapidly growing ecosystem of tools, libraries, and frameworks. These features make it well-suited for building distributed systems.

5. Go vs Java: Community

Java has been around for over two decades, and its community is one of the largest and most established in the programming world. The Java community includes developers, educators, and organizations that have contributed to the language’s development, standardization, and promotion.  

Go, on the other hand, is a newer language that has quickly gained popularity among developers. Go is particularly popular among those working on distributed systems and cloud-native applications. The Go community is known for its enthusiasm, passion, and focus on simplicity and performance. 

In summary, both Go and Java have active and supportive communities that offer a wealth of resources, tools, and knowledge to developers. The Java community is larger and more established, with a wide range of tools and frameworks for different use cases. The Go community is smaller but growing rapidly, with a focus on simplicity, performance, and collaboration. Both communities offer opportunities for learning, networking, and contribution, and are a valuable resource for developers working with these languages. 

6. Golang vs Java: Deployment

The deployment process for Go and Java applications can vary depending on the specific use case, environment, and infrastructure.

Java applications are typically compiled into bytecode that can run on any platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed. This makes Java highly portable, and it is often used to build cross-platform applications. To compile Java applications into bytecode, developers typically use a Java compiler, resulting in code that can run on any platform with a JVM installed. This feature makes Java an ideal choice for building cross-platform applications. Furthermore, developers can deploy Java applications as web applications on web servers like Tomcat or Jetty.

To achieve speed and efficiency, Go applications undergo compilation into native machine code. This process enables the resulting code to run natively on the target machine. However, this also means that they are platform-specific and cannot run on any platform. To deploy a Go application, you typically compile it for the specific target platform and operating system. This can be done manually or with the help of tools such as Docker or Kubernetes.

In summary, Java applications are highly portable and run on any platform with a JVM. On the other hand, Go applications are compiled into native machine code and are platform-specific. Both languages have tools and frameworks for deploying applications in various environments, including web servers, containers, and cloud platforms. The deployment process for each language depends on the specific use case, infrastructure, and development team’s expertise.

7. Golang vs Java: Interfaces

Java interfaces have an extensive ecosystem that might lead to a steeper learning curve but are a great choice for enterprise-level applications. Golang, being relatively new, does not have a vast library compared to Java but offers impressive performance in concurrent scenarios. In addition, Golang is popular for microservices and cloud-native development. 

Golang and Java offer versatile ecosystems that can be leveraged based on one’s project needs and personal preferences.

8. Golang vs Java: Frameworks

Both Golang and Java frameworks offer tools that help execute multiple tasks within one process. Golang frameworks such as Gin, Echo, and Beego can be used on Linux, macOS, Windows, and even other platforms like FreeBSD and NetBSD. On the other Java is known to allow developers even to work with embedded systems and mainframes. Java frameworks such as Spring Boot offer more extensive platform support than Golang.  

Both Golang and Java frameworks are popular among developers. One can choose Golang or Java programming language based on the project needs.  

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Java vs Golang: Advantages & Disadvantages

  • Java is a mature and stable language with a vast ecosystem.
  • Java has strong support for object-oriented programming.
  • Java is platform-independent, which means that code can be written once and run on any platform.
  • Java has excellent community support with a large number of online resources available.

Disadvantages of Java

  • Java can be verbose and requires more lines of code than other programming languages.
  • Java can have slow startup times and consume a lot of memory.
  • Java can be challenging to learn for beginners.

Advantages of Golang

  • Golang is a fast and efficient language that can handle large-scale applications.
  • Golang has a simple and intuitive syntax that is easy to learn and understand.
  • Golang has built-in support for concurrency, making it easy to write high-performance, scalable applications.
  • Golang has a growing ecosystem of libraries and tools.

Disadvantages of Golang

  • Golang is a relatively new language, which means that there are fewer resources and libraries available.
  • Developers who are used to object-oriented programming languages may find Golang challenging.
  • Golang does not have as robust error handling as Java.

Java – Pros and Cons

Widely used in enterprise-level applicationsSteep learning curve
Platform-independentRequires a lot of memory
Large ecosystem of libraries and toolsCan be verbose and have complex syntax
Automatic memory managementSlow startup time
Strong focus on securityCan have performance issues with too many threads
High performance with the JVM optimizing code at runtime 

Golang – Pros and Cons

Fast and efficient with high-concurrency applicationsLimited number of libraries and tools compared to Java
Lightweight threads (goroutines) allow for easy concurrencyCan have a smaller talent pool for hiring
Automatic garbage collectionLimited experience with Golang in the industry
Strong focus on securityNot ideal for complex applications
Simple and easy to learn with concise syntaxLack of generics can lead to more verbose code
Small standard library makes it easy to learn and use 
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Which is the best for web development – Golang or Java?

Both Golang and Java are popular choices for web development, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. The choice between the two depends on the project’s specific requirements and the development team’s expertise.

Golang is a popular choice for small to medium-sized projects for the following reasons:

  • Speed and efficiency.
  • Offers real-time processing and handles many requests at a time.
  • Golang’s built-in concurrency features and lightweight threads make it simple to write highly concurrent web applications. It can handle a large number of requests.
  • Golang has a simple syntax, making it easy to learn. It is a good choice for small to medium-sized projects.

Java is a popular choice for enterprise-level applications for the following reasons:

  • Java offers developers a comprehensive set of class libraries, frameworks, and APIs. They can use it for various functionalities, such as database connectivity and web services.
  • Java’s platform independence and scalability make it ideal for building large-scale web applications. It is suitable for mission-critical applications that handle high traffic and complex workflows.
  • Java is a well-established language chosen by businesses for large and complex projects. It has a large and active community and extensive documentation.

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Final Thoughts

Java is among the top 10 programming languages used by developers worldwide. Google Trends also suggests an exponential increase in Golang’s popularity in the last few years. Moreover, top developer surveys show a huge demand for both Golang and Java, as both programming languages have been gaining popularity over recent years. Both Golang and Java are in high demand in businesses across industries. For instance, Java is one of the top three programming languages in the enterprise sector. As a result, top recruitment platforms have a variety of Java and Golang jobs. However, the different use cases of each implies that the choice between Golang and Java depends on project needs and the development team’s expertise. So, if you are a developer looking for Java or Golang jobs that match your skill set, sign up with Olibr now to find out more!  

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