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How to start a career in web development?

by Rajni
How to start career in web development
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Are you looking to start a career in development? Then the following recent report from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics might be of interest to you. According to a recent report by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment opportunities for web developers are expected to increase rapidly, with a projected growth rate of 26 percent from 2021 to 2031. This rate is much faster than the average growth rate for all occupations. On average, there would be around 21,800 job openings for web developers each year over the next decade.

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Who is a Web Developer?

Web developers build and take care of websites, ensuring they work properly and can handle the influx of visitors. Moreover, web developers are responsible for the technical aspects of a website, such as its speed and ability to handle the traffic. Also, they have to ensure that the site is visually appealing and easy to use.

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Who can become a Web Developer?

  • Interest in Web Development: Web development is open to anyone regardless of educational background or work experience. Having interest to start a career in web development is key.
  • Holds a Relevant Degree or have an appetite to learn: According to a Stack Overflow survey, 69% of developers worldwide have a related degree. However, 75% of developers consider themselves self-taught.
  • Basic Computer Skills: Basic computer skills and familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are helpful.
  • Analytical Skills: Good problem-solving and analytical skills are essential for a career in web development.
  • Have a good logical mind: Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook now Meta, has said, “The biggest misconception about coding is that you need to be good at math. In reality, it’s much more about logic and problem-solving.”
  • Attention to detail: Strong attention to detail and the ability to work independently or in a team environment are important qualities for web developers.
  • Self-motivated: Individuals who are self-motivated and willing to learn new technologies and programming languages can succeed as web developers.
  • Interest in cutting-edge technologies: Web development is a field that values creativity and innovation, so those with a passion for design and an interest in cutting-edge technologies can thrive in this field.
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What are the types of web development?

In order to start a career in web development, you should be clear about what kind of web development you would want to be involved in.

  • Front-end development: This type of web development focuses on a website’s user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). Front-end developers use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the visual elements that users see and interact with.
  • Back-end development: Back-end developers work on the server side of web development. They use programming languages like Java, Python, and Ruby to create the logic and functionality that powers a website.
  • Full-stack development: Full-stack developers have expertise in both front-end and back-end development. They can work on all aspects of a website, from the UI to the server-side code.
  • Mobile Web Development: Mobile web development focuses on creating websites and web applications that are optimized for mobile devices. It involves designing responsive layouts, ensuring compatibility across various screen sizes, and optimizing performance for mobile users.
  • E-commerce Development: E-commerce development involves building online stores and e-commerce platforms. It includes integrating payment gateways, managing product catalogs, implementing shopping cart functionality, and ensuring secure transactions.
  • Content Management System (CMS) Development: CMS development involves working with content management systems like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla. It includes customizing and extending the functionality of CMS platforms, developing themes and plugins, and managing content workflows.
  • Web Application Development: Web application development focuses on creating dynamic and interactive web applications. It often involves working with frameworks and technologies like Angular, React, Vue.js, or ASP.NET to build robust and scalable web applications with advanced features and functionality.
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How to Build a Web Development Portfolio?

Building a web development portfolio is essential to showcase your skills in web development services, experience, and projects to potential clients or employers. Here are some steps to help you build an effective web development portfolio:

  • Select your best projects: Choose a selection of your best and most relevant projects to include in your portfolio. Consider showcasing a variety of projects that demonstrate your range of skills and expertise.
  • Create a visually appealing website: Design a clean and professional website to serve as your portfolio. Ensure that the website’s design and layout highlight your projects and make it easy for visitors to navigate and view your work.
  • Showcase completed projects: Include detailed information about each project you feature. Describe the project’s objectives, your role, the technologies used, and any challenges you overcame. Provide screenshots, live demos, or links to the projects if possible.
  • Include code samples: Showcase snippets of your code to demonstrate your coding abilities. Highlight well-structured, clean, and efficient code examples that showcase your proficiency in various programming languages or frameworks.
  • Highlight your skills and expertise: Create a dedicated section to showcase your skills, programming languages, frameworks, and any certifications or relevant qualifications you possess. Highlight your areas of expertise to attract potential clients or employers.
  • Include client testimonials: If you have received positive feedback or testimonials from previous clients or employers, include them in your portfolio. Testimonials add credibility and demonstrate your ability to deliver quality work.
  • Maintain an up-to-date portfolio: Regularly update your portfolio with new projects and remove any outdated or irrelevant information. Keep your portfolio fresh and showcase your most recent work to reflect your current skills and capabilities.
  • Optimize for search engines: Ensure your portfolio website is search engine optimized (SEO) so that it appears in search results. Use relevant keywords and include meta tags, headings, and descriptions to improve your website’s visibility.
  • Promote your portfolio: Share your portfolio on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn, GitHub, and social media. Engage with the web development community, participate in forums or discussions, and contribute to open-source projects to increase your visibility.
  • Seek feedback and iterate: Ask for feedback from peers, mentors, or potential clients to improve your portfolio. Continuously iterate and update your portfolio based on constructive feedback to make it even stronger.
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What are the Skills required to be a front-end, back-end, or full-stack developer?

SkillsFront-end  DeveloperBack-end DeveloperFull-Stack Developer
Database designOptionalRequiredRequired
Web frameworksRequiredRequiredRequired
Version controlOptionalRequiredRequired
APIs and servicesOptionalRequiredRequired
Testing and QAOptionalRequiredRequired
UX/UI designRequiredOptionalOptional
Project managementOptionalOptionalOptional
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How to start a career in web development?

Career in Web development

Build your skills

  • Learn technical skills including coding, responsive design, technical SEO, version control, and visual design.
  • Learn workplace skills (communication, customer service, detail-oriented, organization, problem-solving).

Do thorough research

  • Begin by understanding the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Familiarize yourself with web development tools such as code editors and web browsers.
  • Learn how to use version control tools, like Git.
  • Understand web standards and best practices.

Choose a development specialization

  • Decide whether you want to be a front-end, back-end, or full-stack web developer.
  • Research the skills and knowledge required for each specialization.
  • Identify your interests and strengths to determine which specialization suits you best.

Learn key programming languages for web development

  • Depending on your specialization, learn the relevant programming languages like:
  • For front-end development: React, Angular, or Vue.js
  • For back-end development: Python, Ruby, or Node.js
  • For full-stack development: proficiency in both front-end and back-end technologies mentioned above is required.
  • Practice building simple programs and applications to gain confidence in these languages.

Build projects to develop your web developer skills

Building projects are an excellent way to enhance and develop your web developer skills. It provides hands-on experience, helps you apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, and enables you to showcase your abilities to potential employers or clients. Here are a few reasons why building projects can be beneficial for web developers:

  • Application of Concepts: When you work on a project, you get to implement various concepts and techniques you’ve learned, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React or Angular. It helps solidify your understanding and gives you a chance to explore different aspects of web development.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Projects often present unique challenges that require creative problem-solving. By tackling real-world issues, you improve your ability to analyze problems, break them down into manageable parts, and find effective solutions. These problem-solving skills are crucial for success in the field of web development.
  • Collaboration and Version Control: Many projects involve working with a team, mimicking a real work environment. Collaboration helps you learn how to communicate and coordinate with others, manage conflicts, and leverage each other’s strengths to achieve common goals. Additionally, using version control systems like Git during project development teaches you essential code management and collaboration skills.
  • Portfolio Development: Building projects allow you to create a portfolio of work that demonstrates your skills to potential employers or clients. A strong portfolio showcases your creativity, technical expertise, and ability to deliver functional and visually appealing web applications. It serves as tangible proof of your capabilities and can significantly boost your career prospects.
  • Continuous Learning: Projects often require you to explore new technologies, libraries, or frameworks to meet specific requirements. This constant learning keeps you updated with the latest trends in web development and broadens your skill set. It shows your adaptability and willingness to learn, which are highly valued traits in the dynamic field of web development. When starting a project, consider choosing one that aligns with your interests or addresses a problem you genuinely care about. It keeps you motivated throughout the development process and encourages you to delve deeper into the intricacies of web development. Remember, building projects are not just about the end result but also about the learning journey. Embrace challenges, seek feedback from others, and be open to refining and improving your work. With each project you complete, you’ll gain valuable experience and become a more skilled and confident web developer.

Build your portfolio

  • Showcase your projects and skills to potential employers by building a portfolio website or profile on platforms like GitHub, CodePen, or LinkedIn.
  • Highlight your expertise in a particular specialization, your programming languages proficiency, and your problem-solving skills.
  • Continuously update your portfolio with your latest projects and achievements.

Keep learning

  • Gain experience through internships, freelance work, or working with experienced developers/agencies.
  • Continuously learn and stay up to date with the latest technologies and trends.
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Technical skills required to start a career in web development

Technical skills for web development

Data Structures and Algorithms

  • It is the top priority for most companies to check problem-solving and coding skills.
  • Knowledge of data organization and its application to solve real-life problems is essential for becoming a good software developer.
  • Learning and practicing data structures and algorithms, such as arrays, linked lists, and trees, is important for programming.
  • Organizing data using the right data structure and algorithm is crucial to solving a specific problem in less time and space.
  • Websites such as GeeksforGeeks, Hackerrank, Codechef, CareerCup, LeetCode, InterviewBit, and HackerEarth can help in learning and practicing these skills.

Programming Languages

  • Knowing at least one programming language in-depth is important to become a good programmer.
  • Choosing a programming language depends on your area of interest and your comfort level.
  • Popular programming languages in 2023 according to TIOBE’s Index include JavaScript, Python, Java, C#, PHP, and Kotlin.

Source Control

  • Proficiency in version control and collaboration is important for developers in managing and storing their code.
  • Git (preferred by 70-80% of organizations), Mercurial, SVN, etc. are popular version control tools.
  • Learning about source control concepts and tools can be done through articles like Git and Github.

Text Editors

  • Text editors are an essential tool for programmers’ daily life.
  • Editors such as Notepad++, Sublime Text, Atom, Brackets, Visual Code, etc. are available.
  • Beginner programmers should learn text editors and keyboard shortcuts to become smart and productive developers.

IDEs (Integrated Development Environment)

  • IDEs allow writing, modifying, compiling, running, and debugging code.
  • Choosing the best development environment depends on the purpose or language one is working on.
  • IDEs speed up work, and popular ones for different languages include Visual Studio or Code, Blocks for C, C++, and C#, PyCharm, Spyder, or Jupyter Notebook for Python, and Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ IDEA for Java.


  • Understanding how to work with databases is essential for developers.
  • Operations like storing records, creating, inserting, updating, deleting, etc., are crucial for creating any kind of application or software.
  • SQL is the most popular classic database among developers, and knowledge of writing at least basic SQL queries is necessary.
  • Databases such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, etc., can be used.

Operating System:

  • Knowledge of the fundamentals and mechanisms of the operating system is important for serious software developers.
  • Issues related to the operating system, such as memory usage, communication with other machines, and tools conflicting issues, can occur.
  • Most developers prefer working on Linux, Windows machines, or Mac. Android and iOS are examples of mobile and tablet operating systems.

Networking Basics

  • Software or an application has to pass many test cases before being released in the market.
  • Knowledge of basic testing is essential for developing and supporting an application.

Basics of Testing

  • Knowledge of the fundamentals and mechanisms of the operating system is important for serious software developers.
  • Issues related to the operating system, such as memory usage, communication with other machines, and tools conflicting issues, can occur.
  • Most developers prefer working on Linux, Windows machines, or Mac. Android and iOS are examples of mobile and tablet operating systems.

Cross-Platform Software

  • A product should run on multiple platforms like Windows, Mac, Linux
  • Cross-platform allows writing code once and sharing it across different platforms.
  • Important to reach the maximum number of users, especially those using mobile devices.
  • Knowledge of cross-platform software is important for career growth.

Encryption and Cryptography

  • Secure and encrypted key needed for web apps/software with sensitive information.
  • Public and private key methods used for data encryption.
  • Knowledge of encryption algorithms, authentication, and cryptography methods is important.
  • Cryptography is used for secure systems, databases, and error handling.

Microsoft Excel

  • An essential skill for developers for tracking progress, data analysis, quality check, and project planning
  • Functions like searching, sorting, filtering, and mathematical operations can speed up work.
  • Used for inserting bulk data in databases.
  • An essential tool for all levels of developers, including managers.

SDLC (Software development life cycle)

  • A systematic process to develop software ensuring quality and correctness.
  • 7 phases: requirement gathering, feasibility study, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.
  • Each phase is important and helps take precautions for issues in the next step.

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Top programming languages to learn in 2023 to start a career in web development

Programming LanguageIndustry Use CasesCompanies using the LanguageAverage Annual Salary
PythonData Science, Machine Learning, AIGoogle, Facebook, Netflix$109,092
COperating Systems, Databases, Embedded SystemsMicrosoft, Mac, Linux$93,359
JavaEnterprise Applications, Web Development90% of Fortune 500 companies$109,225
JavaScriptFront-End Web Development, Server-SideUsed in over 98% of websites$112,152
C++Game Development, Machine Learning, Web Dev.Various industries, including real-world apps$93,359
KotlinMobile App DevelopmentVarious industries, including Google$136,000-$171, 500
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Web development trends in 2023

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

PWAs are web applications that can be installed on a user’s device and offer native-like experiences. Developers should be aware of PWAs because they can improve user engagement and retention, and offer faster loading times, and offline access.

Server less Architecture

Serverless architecture allows developers to build and run applications without the need for managing servers. Developers should be aware of serverless architecture because it can save time, reduce costs, and improve scalability.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning are being used in web development to improve user experiences, automate repetitive tasks, and enhance personalization. AI virtual assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Cortana are becoming increasingly prevalent in web development, as they can learn, collect data, and solve complex issues. This technology is considered highly influential and is expected to shape the future of web development. As a result, there is a growing demand for AI-enabled communication in the community in 2023.

Voice User Interfaces (VUIs) and Natural Language Processing

VUIs and natural language processing allow users to interact with web applications through voice commands. Developers should be aware of VUIs and natural language processing because they can improve accessibility and user engagement. The estimated market size for voice search assistants is projected to reach 11.2 billion by the year 2026. Additionally, 51% of consumers are using voice-enabled devices to research products.

Single-page Applications (SPAs)

SPAs are web applications that load a single HTML page and dynamically update the content as the user interacts with the page. Developers should be aware of SPAs because they can improve user experience, reduce page load times, and simplify maintenance.

Motion UI:

Motion UI is a library of pre-built animations and transitions that can be used to enhance the user interface of web applications. Developers should be aware of Motion UI because it can make web applications more engaging and intuitive.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR and VR are being used in web development to create immersive and interactive experiences. Developers should be aware of AR and VR because they can improve user engagement and create new web application use cases, such as virtual tours, gaming, and training.

Cybersecurity and Data Protection

Cybersecurity and data protection are crucial considerations for web developers. Developers should be aware of cybersecurity and data protection best practices because they can help protect user data and prevent security breaches.

Low-code Development

Low-code development is a visual approach to software development that allows non-technical users to build applications using a drag-and-drop interface. Developers should be aware of low-code development because it can speed up development, reduce errors, and improve collaboration.


Blockchain is a decentralized, secure, and transparent ledger that can be used for various applications, such as digital identity, supply chain management, and smart contracts. Developers should be aware of blockchain because it can enable new web application use cases and improve data security.

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Is Web Development a Growing Field?

Yes, web development is a growing field. In fact, it has been experiencing significant growth for many years and shows no signs of slowing down. There are several factors contributing to this growth:

  • Increasing demand for online presence: As businesses and organizations recognize the importance of having a strong online presence, the demand for web developers continues to rise. Websites have become essential for businesses to reach their target audience, provide information, and facilitate transactions.
  • Evolving technologies: The field of web development constantly evolves with new technologies, frameworks, and programming languages. This evolution creates opportunities for developers to learn and apply new skills, making their expertise valuable in the market.
  • Mobile web usage: With the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, the demand for mobile-friendly websites has grown tremendously. Web developers need to adapt to this trend by creating responsive and mobile-optimized designs, ensuring a seamless user experience across different devices.
  • E-commerce expansion: The growth of e-commerce has fueled the need for skilled web developers. Online shopping continues to gain popularity, and businesses require secure and user-friendly platforms to sell their products or services.
  • Web applications: Web-based applications have become increasingly prevalent. From productivity tools to collaborative platforms, web applications offer convenience and accessibility across different devices. Web developers are essential for building and maintaining these applications.
  • Remote work opportunities: Web development is well-suited for remote work, and the demand for remote developers has increased significantly. As companies embrace remote and distributed teams, web developers have the flexibility to work from anywhere, further expanding job opportunities. Overall, the combination of increasing online presence, evolving technologies, mobile usage, e-commerce growth, web applications, and remote work opportunities contribute to the continuous growth of the web development field.
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What Makes a Good Web Developer?

A good web developer possesses a strong understanding of programming languages and frameworks, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and related technologies. They have a keen eye for design and user experience, ensuring websites are visually appealing and intuitive to navigate. Additionally, a good web developer is adept at problem-solving, staying updated with industry trends, and continuously learning new tools and techniques to improve their skills. A Good Web Developer Is Continuously Learning.

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Closing Thoughts

In today’s digital age, web development continues to be a rapidly growing field. The demand for skilled web developers for web development projects is on the rise, with the average salary for a web developer in the US being $77,137 per year according to Glassdoor.  According to Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, “The number one skills gap in the US is in software development, with over 500,000 current job openings.” As web technology continues to advance, the need for web developers will only continue to grow, making it a lucrative career path for those willing to learn and adapt. If you are looking for web developer jobs, Olibr is the best platform to sign up. Olibr offers lucrative job opportunities for web developers with top global companies.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The average salary for a Web Developer is ₹27,083 per month in India. Web Developer salary in India ranges between ₹ 1.0 Lakhs to ₹ 7.7 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 4.4 Lakhs. 

Udemy, Codeacademy, Khan Academy, MIT OpenCourseWare, Coursera, Mozilla Developer Network (MDN), and HTML5 Rocks are platforms to find web development courses that best suit your learning style and goals. 

Proficiency in JavaScript, understanding HTML and CSS, good knowledge of frontend frameworks and server-side technologies, and excellent communication and problem-solving skills are the top skills for web development. 

Angular, React.js, Svelte, Preact, Bootstrap, Django, and Vue.js are a few popular front end development frameworks. 

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