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Top 10 Python Interview Questions Hiring Managers Ask

by Pranisha Rai
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Python is one of the most popular programming languages today with over 41.6% developers preferring it over other languages. According to a HackerRank’s reportPython is the second in-demand programming language in the United States. In fact, more than 50% of hiring managers are actively looking to hire skilled Python developers. So, if you aspire to be a Python developer, you must crack the interview first. Fortunately, we are here to help you exactly with that! Following are the top 10 Python interview questions  that will help you prepare for the first round of your interview. So, here we go!

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Top 10 Python Interview Questions Hiring Managers Ask

  1. Why do most people choose Python over other languages?

    Every hiring manager loves to ask this question, so you can’t turn a blind eye to this. It’ll help them understand the candidate’s genuine interest and coding skills. You can say something like this: 

    Python, in comparison with other programming languages, pretty much stands up to the developer’s expectations. It offers the advantage of concise programming with fewer lines of code. Some of its note-worthy features are code prototyping, extensive library, and dynamic semantics. Language compatibility with various platforms is yet another remarkable feature.  

    While responding to this question you can highlight the advantages and strengths of Python. Thus, it will leave a positive impression on the hiring manager. 

  2. What makes you interested in Python?

    This question gives you a chance to share a  few personal details about your interest in Python. You can start with your education and career aspirations; this will help the hiring manager understand your connection with Python. So be confident and narrate your story in an engaging way. 

  3. What can we create from Python other than computational application?

    One of the common questions asked during Python interviews. To this, you can try the following reply:

    Python isn’t limited to scientific computation. instead, it’s one of the versatile programming languages that can be used to build various applications from graphic design, game development,  educational software, and more. Additionally, it provides excellent support to GUI-based operating systems and enterprise-level development. 

    Candidates who have gained hands-on experience in Python can slay this question. Even if you’re a beginner with some familiarity with the language don’t get overwhelmed by this question. Hiring managers ask this question to check your proficiency in application development. You can describe the development process of any app or project that you’ve created with Python. This will help them understand your knowledge in different stages of development. 

  4. Can you tell me the different file-processing modes in Python?

    This question helps hiring managers determine a candidate’s knowledge in handling files in Python. You can answer this question in the following way: 

    Python supports append (a), exclusive creation(x), read(r), write(w), read and write(r+), which later on controls how files are manipulated.

  5. What does the namespace mean in Python?

    Now, this question is to check whether you are well aware of the Python intricacies. Namespace is the name given to the object that can be a variable or function. It has a huge significance in managing elements and avoiding name conflicts. Python has four different types of namespace. You must have a good understanding of these namespaces to answer this question. 

  6. Why is indentation so important in Python?

    This is the question for candidates to get inside the winner’s circle! It’s best to master this interview question during your interview. Here’s how you can articulate and impress the hiring manager: 

    In Python, indentation plays a crucial role in defining structure and executing an error-free code. This helps define code blocks within functions, loops, and conditional statements. Failure to maintain indentation can affect the functionality of the program as well as lead to syntax errors.  

    You can feel free to add more context to this sentence and elaborate on it in a detailed way. 

  7. Can you tell me what is Panda?

    There’s a high chance for a candidate to get this question during their interview. This question is asked to check the candidate’s skills in working with large complex data in Python. 

    In Python, Panda is the open-source library for data analysis that promotes smooth analysis for many different types of data sets. It offers features such as DataFrames and Series to analyze and manipulate data effectively. 

    If you have expertise in dealing with complex unstructured data, you can add your experience with this answer. This will offer credibility to your experience and answer. 

  8. What are literals?

    Candidates can’t escape this question in a Python interview, which means you have to stay well prepared for this question to earn some brownie points! You can proceed with your answer as follow: 

    Literals are nothing but a fixed representation of value that is directly provided in the source code. There are five types of literals in Python. These include Character, Boolean, String, Collections, and Numeric.  

    You can explain each literal with examples to let the hiring manager know that you’re well-versed in it! 

  9. Can you explain the difference between tuples and lists?

    Usually, the hiring manager asks this question to the candidate to check their understanding in data structure. You shouldn’t overlook this question; this can be a golden opportunity to make an impression. Have a look at the sample answer: 

    Most of the code in Python requires data structures containing tuples and lists. These store the collection of data in the form of objects and values. List is denoted using square brackets [], which after modification allows users to add, change, and remove. Whereas a tuple uses parentheses (). It doesn’t allow modification once the element is created. 

    Feel free to add more context to state key differences between these two and make the right impression. 

  10. What is your preferred framework in Python and explain why?

    Hiring managers want to check how well a candidate can justify their choice and to know their familiarity with different frameworks. Python provides different choices including Django, Pyramid, Falcon, Pecan, Diesel, Bottle, Tornado, Flask, and more. You can pick any one from this Python frameworks and explain its benefits and advantages. 

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Final Words

These questions will definitely help you showcase your expertise in Python. You can prepare these questions and simultaneously practice coding. Sometimes, hiring managers may conduct some live coding problems so it’s always a good idea to practice with examples. Having said that, interview question preparation doesn’t guarantee a jobThere’s fierce competition for a lucrative Python job, but Olibr can help you break into this cut-throat competition and land you lucrative jobs. So sign up and check out jobs at Olibr.

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