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Next.js 13: Top 10 Features You Should Know About

by Pranisha Rai
Top 10 Next.js13 features know
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Next.js is a popular server-rendered React framework. With the release of Next.js13 in the year 2021, it has made a buzz in the world of web development. Next.js 13 comes bearing many improvements from its earlier versions. Let’s check out what are these new features of Next.js 13.

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Next.js 13: Top 10 Features You Should Know About

  1. Automatic Pre-rendering: It is undoubtedly a remarkable feature of Next.js 13 that quickly generates a static version of their application. The best part is it doesn’t let the server take too much load, which in return improves the scalability and overall performance of the application. This feature is a blessing for applications that receive a lot of traffic and those that have slow internet connection. Furthermore, it can take many requests without any additional server resources.

  2. Environment Variable: Next.js 13 brings us better support for the environment variable. You can simply define this using the “.env file”. It also offers “process.env”, which is nothing but a convenient tool for developers to access this variable from the code either from the client side or server side. Additionally, this feature is also like a secret vault to store your sensitive data such as passwords and APIs. When your sensitive data is stored securely within the application, the chances of it getting exposed to the public are less than zero. Moreover, you can use this variable to customize the behavior of the framework.

  3. Automatic Static Optimization: This Next.js 13 feature will be an added boon for developers.  This eliminates the need for manual configuration. No more dealing with complex server-side rendering. As its name suggests, it automatically generates a static page directly displayed to users. Also, it has this default optimization, so you don’t need to rely on the asynchronous anymore. To make the process simple, Next.js generates the HTML page during build-time without any support from the server side. Moreover, this new feature of Next.js has remarkably reduced the load on the server with improved scalability. But before you use this feature, here’s the key point to remember, this feature is suitable for pages that don’t need dynamic data. If in case, your pages require dynamic data, you need to use the traditional data fetching method (‘getServerSideProps‘, ‘getStaticProps‘, or ‘getServerProps‘).

  4. Serverless Deployment Support: This new update in Next.js 13 aims to simplify the app deployment and development. Meaning, there is no need to set and manage the server. Plus, it is a great choice for smooth deployment, i.e.,  it is great for serverless targets and custom serverless functions. Serverless targets optimize the application for serverless execution and then generate the necessary files. On the other hand, custom serverless functions let developers define serverless functions accessible within the application.

  5. Improved TypeScript Support: You can say goodbye to the installing dependencies at add type checking because Next.js 13 has built-in TypeScript support. Plus, it supports static typing and object-oriented programming, which adds more strength to the language. With this feature, you can spot the bugs during the development phase, so you’ll be left with fewer runtime errors.

  6. Robust Security Features: Security is paramount in Next.js 13. It has everything to offer in order to safeguard your application from potential threats. Content Security Policies (CSPs) and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) are to name a few. With these security features, there’s no room for vulnerabilities.

  7. Enhanced File Routing: Gone are those days when you need to rewrite the same code. Next.js 13 brings this convenient feature to define file routes in your application. Simply define routes by creating new folders and files, that’s it! You’re good to go. On top of that, it provides a clear structure for the application, which means there’s no such challenge to understand the file structure. Your one glance at the file is enough to navigate and kickstart your work.

  8. Image Optimization: You can now smartly optimize images in Next.js 13. Its use of libraries ensure automatic resizing and compression of images.  This feature is highly beneficial for mobile users with a slow internet connection.

  9. Better Internationalization Support: This new update of Next.js13 has opened the doors to audiences from all around the globe. This can be achieved without installing any additional dependencies. It uses localization libraries that can translate their application into any language and localize with different regions.

  10. Serverless Function SupportServerless function support streamlines the efforts by quickly deploying and running them in their application. You can forget about setting up and configuring the server to add robust functionality to your application. Similarly, you can reap the benefits of serverless computing without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.
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In Conclusion

Next.js 13 with its improved file-based routing, Typescript, automatic static optimization, and security features will surely help you stay ahead of the curve. You can push the boundaries of web development and create performant and scalable apps with Next.js 13. If you are a Next.js developer seeking golden job opportunities with top companies, then sign up with Olibr now!

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You can be rest assured, it has undergone vigorous testing and development before it was launched. But it’s always a good practice to test any new software before deploying it to a production environment.

Absolutely, yes! Next.js 13 supports serverless function that handles the logic for the backend and responds to the API request. It then fetches data to the server to render the page dynamically.

Yes, it can handle all database queries and data validation. Plus, the in-built development environment makes testing and debugging API way easier.

You can build a developer portfolio, e-commerce sites, blogs, weather apps, and more using Next.js. It is a go-to tool for building feature-rich and performant apps or website.

Pranisha Rai

Meet Pranisha, a technical writer who loves simplifying complex jargon for a wider audience. She also likes to craft engaging storyboards on various technical topics. On holidays she finds solace in traveling to beautiful places and indulging in diverse cuisines. Playing and spending time with her furry baby brother and helping stray animals brings her joy and adds playfulness to her life outside of work.

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