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Angular Material vs. Bootstrap: A Detailed Comparison

by Pranisha Rai
Angular Material Vs Bootstrap
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Angular Material and Bootstrap are the most popular names in the web development world. Bootstrap is sought after for its comprehensive documentation and consistent UI/UX experience. Angular Material cultivated its followers from its unique and modern design apps. Due to this, these names have been a hot topic lately. 

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What is Angular Material?

Angular Material

Angular Material is a UI component library developed by Google. It is well-known for its clean and modern design. It offers sets of pre-designed and reusable UI components. It has components like the Angular material table, a data table that can be used to display rows of data.  Angular architecture has both Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural patterns.

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Key Features of Angular Material

  • Comprehensive UI Component Library: Helps organization to manage and monitor the network connection.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: This feature ensures the consistent behavior of applications across all the major browsers.
  • Pre-designed themesIt offers an array of pre-designed themes that follow the strict principle of Material Design. Each theme comprises 3 distinctive palettes with a customizable option. The best part is it allows developers to focus on functionality rather than implementing a uniform design on elements. 
  • AccessibilityAngular supports ARIA, making the web content accessible to people with disabilities. It includes features like navigation, high-contrast themes, and indicators.
  • Bi-directional Languages: It supports internationalization, meaning it can translate any language and adapt to different locales.
  • Responsive Grid-Based Layout System: It can adapt to any screen size and orientation. Plus, it ensures that UI remains consistent and functional.
  • High Performance: It has a minimum load time that loads resources quickly as needed, making it fast and efficient.
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Pros & Cons of Angular

Easy-to-use componentsSome components do not look good on mobile devices
Globally adopted by designersOverriding Angular Material CSS can be challenging
Fully functional default themeDoes not support semantic HTML
Dark theme for accessibilityToo many options and configurations can cause complexity and frustration
Straightforward consistent designDoes not provide comprehensive documentation
CSS flexbox support solves all CSS layout problemsImporting the individual components is cumbersome and confusing
Per-built options and configurationsInternationalizing the web is somewhat challenging
Large active communityOveruses ARIA attributes
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What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a popular open-source front-end framework created by Twitter. It is popular for its intuitive and visually appealing design. It offers a collection of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript components that can easily integrate into your web development projects. Bootstrap components are built with a base-modifier nomenclature, which makes the apps more responsive and mobile-friendly. 

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Key Features of Bootstrap

  • Responsive Grid system: Due to its flexibility, it can adapt to any screen size and device. Also, the 12-column layout grid system allows developers to create a responsive design and arrange the content on different screen sizes. 
  • Mobile-friendly Websites: The grid system ensures consistent alignment and spacing across the devices.
  • Rich libraries: Its rich library offers a pre-designed UI component that includes navigation bars, buttons, forms, modals, and more
  • Well-defined Styles and Classes: This feature helps developers to effortlessly integrate the pre-built UI components into web development. Also, it provides the options to customize the components and use them into their project style. As a result, it saves a lot of time and effort in UI development.
  • JavaScript Plugins: With extensive JavaScript, plugins can easily improve user interaction and functionality.
  • Customization: This feature makes default customization way easy by modifying variable files in SASS/SCSS.
  • Third-party Themes: It offers numerous third-party themes and templates with design options available for different project requirements. 
  • Large and Active Community Support: You can get many resources, solutions, and tutorials to solve any common problems.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: It documentation is regularly updated and offers great resources for beginners to learn as well as troubleshooting.
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Pros & Cons of Bootstrap

Responsive site creation is much easierLack of unique design
No need to write extensive custom CSSNeed to write HTML and plugin
Offers pre-designed components and templateThe site appearance will change after the download
Modifier classes for customization and reusable base classNegatively impact the speed of the website
Maintain consistency and default settingsDependency on pre-built can hinder the growth of code
Supports multiple collaborators and cohesive designVast documentation
Active global communityRequires profound understanding of HTML and CSS
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Key Differences Between Angular Material and Bootstrap

Angular vs Bootstrap- Which one is best
Angular Material Bootstrap
Developed By Google Twitter Blueprint
Open source TypeScript-based open source Open source CSS framework
Unique Components Snackbar, chips, progress, spinner, sort headers, icon Alerts, collapse, jumbotron, breadcrumb
Responsive Design Does not support It supports responsive design
Responsive Oriented Approach (ROA) It supports ROA Does not support ROA
Menu Toolbar Navel bar
Front-end Development Use to build UI/UX components CSS framework platform
Alternative buttons/colors Offers alternative buttons such as Primary, Warm, Accent, Link, and Disabled Offers alternative colors such as Primary, Secondary, Danger, Success, Dark, Info, Link, and Warning
Expansion Panel Comes with a display with the content summary Comes in a collapsible format with CSS styling
Input and Form toggle button, slider, auto-complete field, and input elements Customizable display for various browsers
User Experience Great user experience Pre-designed CSS style components
Architecture Layered architecture with core functionalities and bundling options View-controller design pattern support
Website Waaark Apple Music
Dialogs/Plugins Dialog to edit present data and pass Customizable plugins
Internationalization Follows WCAG 2.0 standards Supports i18n and adheres to WCAG 2.0 standards
Learning Curve Hard to learn Easy to learn
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Which is Better in Terms of Performance?

Angular or Bootstrap Which is better

Several factors come into play when comparing the performance of these two popular frameworks. The table below outlines the key considerations as per their performance. However, it is important to note that the performance and loading speed can affect various factors. To understand which framework performs better in a specific scenario, it’s suggested to do the performance test first by using tools such as PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, or any web browser development tools. These tools provide accurate performance of these frameworks.

 Angular MaterialBootstrap
Rendering EfficiencyChange detection and optimization provides fast renderingBeing general-purpose, its rendering efficiency is slow
File SizeIt follows the modular approach resulting in small-sizeIt includes numerous CSS and JavaScript files resulting in large-size
Network RequestNeeds fewer network requestSeparate request for each  individual file
Browser CachingBenefits from the cache and offer fast load timesBenefits from the cache and offer fast load times
Compression CSSUse minified versions of their files to optimize the performanceUse minified versions of their files to optimize the performance
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Angular Material vs. Bootstrap: Which One is the Best?

Angular Material and Bootstrap stands out as the prominent front-end framework in web development. Angular Material is suitable for Angular projects. It offers a comprehensive package featuring pre-built UI components, theming capabilities, accessibility enhancements, and internationalization support. Whereas, Bootstrap’s versatility makes it suitable for any project. It offers an extensive array of CSS and JavaScript components. It offers a great supportive community that helps developers with customization.

The choice between these depends upon the project prerequisites if you looking for a framework that provides a large community and flexibility, Bootstrap would align perfectly with your project requirements. In case, you’re developing an Angular application, undoubtedly Angular Material will be best. Your ultimate decision is based on your design preference and familiarity with these two frameworks and obviously project’s needs.

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Yes, PrimeNG, Clarity, NG-ZORRO, and Onsen UI are some of the options for Angular Material to name a few. Likewise, Tailwind CSS, Material-UI, Semantic UI, Foundation, Bulma, UIKit, are for Bootstrap.

The simplest way to include Bootstrap in your React app is by adding the Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript files via a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Well-established companies like Apple, PayPal, Etsy, WhatApp, Duolingo, and Upwork use Bootstrap. Similarly, big companies’ application such as Asana, Momondo, and Gmail heavily relies on Angular Material. 

If you’re familiar with Angular, then working with the Angular Material will be quite easy. Alternatively, Bootstrap being general purpose can work with various web development tools making it user-friendly for a broader crowd.

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